Duties and Responsibilities: A neonatologists are something like a pediatrics there job is to consist care to the newborn Infants. Their other job is to take care of them when they are ill or premature. They try to find out a way to help the babies out as fast and healthy ways. They mainly practice on a daily basics they do practice like neonatal intensive cares in different units. The different types of neonatologists are called Doctors, medical Specialists and Pediatrician.
Salary: A salary that a Neonatologists makes is $290,853 or sometimes more.
Education: In order to become one of these you need to have these things all done like do to college and take classes based on medicine, Pediatrics, and A doctor of Osteopathic Medicine. Also in having your bachelors degree.
Reflection: I would want to become a Neonatologist because it sounds like something I would like to do. I would like to be a person who helps bring life to the world new people. sounds like a cool thing to do for a future. I wouldn't mind going to college for 4 years or more.
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