Monday, February 29, 2016

Student Sucess Statement ( picked our own quote)

" Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." Oscar Wilde

       I believe that this quote is true because god makes everyone different to his eyes. Everyone should be themselves and not act like other people. Everyone should be different no matter what because not everyone goes threw the same problems. Everyone is taken so be yourself and love yourself. This is the most important thing you can ever do to yourself is respect yourself the way you want to be treated.



Duties And Responsibilities:
  A firefighter has an important roll to do. Their main roll is to save people from houses or buildings. They do many things like Rescue, fire protection, civil service, public serves and etc. They are important and reliable because they are always there for you when you call them also polices/ cops.

  A firefighter makes an amount of $45,250 annually and $21.75 hourly.

 To become a firefighter you need to go to college but at least have you high school diploma. When you join to become a firefighter you need to get in a training and get your Postsecondary non-degree award.

  I wouldn't like to become a firefighter because it sounds like a lot of work. They have to be ready in less then 2 minutes. They must feel stressed out every day waking up early. I would like to become a Doctor or a pediatrician. They also save peoples life and help people stay healthy.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Student Succes Statement

" If you do what is fight, if you live the right way, you'll be taken care of. "     Rachel Castillo

      I believe that Rachel Castillo Is correct in this meaning of the quote because it means if you do good in life and live life also in a good way, your whole life will be taken cared of. Everyone has the choose in choosing their future now it is up to them to make it true by really trying hard and never giving up on it. if you love something and never let it go it will come to you soon. This is also true because When I wanted something I would fight hard for it, and do the right things just so my parents can see that I was responsible and get me the item I wanted. This is why you need to set your own goalposts inside you to be able to fight, and live the right way in order for it to come true and take care of you.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Student Success Statement

"In life as in football, you won't go far, unless you know where goalposts are."
                      Arnold H. Glasgow 

    I believe that this quote means that Since the beginning of time your born you need to set goals for your future. I believe this because For example a football field wouldn't be the same without the Goalposts the are most important. Your life goals are most important because they kind of make your whole future and life. Another example is say if you want to become a Doctor you have to set that goal and stick to it in order to push you to work hard and really become one. If you believe it, it will come true. Just like football players always have a goal of making the football through the goalpost because  it does that means you made it everyone has goals that can be reached.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Student Success Statement

                           "Only Those live who do good."
                                   Count Leo Tolstoy

    I believe that this quote means that the people who choose the right are the people who live better and good. For example it can be like the smarter people who really try their best in school have a better chance of getting a better future. The people who are doctors or something big in life get more money to live better because the good things come to them. I believe that people who help other people in the hard times or choose the right instead of choosing the wrong live better because people see the real person they are. I would want to become a good person because when you do the good, good things come back. It is better to be a person who loves school than someone who does drugs or hates school because the good things are better to do.



Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Student Success Statement

"what's Right isn't always popular. What's popular isn't always right."   Albert Einstein

   I believe that this quote means that You can do something right but it doesn't become as popular than when you do something wrong but that makes it popular. For example cheating on a test is a popular thing to do just because is popular it doesn't mean it will make you all that. People that choose the wrong think that the people who choose the right are not popular which it is the opposite I would rather be a smart choose the right person than being a trouble maker that doesn't do their work, The smarter people make it higher in life and their future. This quote is so true everything in life is not always popular or always right because life is rough sometimes but everyone can make I through as long as we "Choose The Right." 

Friday, February 12, 2016

Studebnt Success Statment

                                 A choice: Of poverty or prosperity.

"I hated poverty. Poverty is more of a choice than anything else, and I can change that (poverty). It depends upon how hard I work, and I decided that I would change it."    Dr. Ben Carson

    I believe that this quote means that You choose your future if you want to have money and a nice house that is all up to you as long as you do good in school. If you choose the wrong and don't do good in school and try hard, that shows that in the future you would be a person who doesn't try hard on anything. For example Dr. Ben Carson was poor and did bad in class but that all changed, that all changed when he thought hard about it that poverty was more of a choice he then became the best one in his class thanks to his mother. An other example could be me I choose the people I hang out with I know that everything matters to become special in life because if I hangout with people who do drugs that could bring me down in my future. Anyone has the right to choose what they want to do when they grow up, say I want to become a doctor but I say I can't make it, it is to hard but then I think it can't be hard along as I try because then there wouldn't be any doctors or nurses. Everything is possible as long as you believe in your future everyone has different thoughts but that's ok because not everyone is the same then choose who they want to be. Choose the right and you will go to do the right in the future.

Presidents Day

                                              Presidents Day

What is presidents Day?

 Presidents Day is a American Holiday that is for we celebrate a famous birthday of one of the Presidents. It takes place on a Monday February 15. Established in 1885.

What is the purpose of presidents Day?

The Purpose of Presidents day is to celebrate Washington's Birthday and to remember those who died and helped the U.S. for the American presidency.

When is it?

It is on the third Monday in February which lands on February 15.

What are several ways to show honor and respect on Presidents Day?

Some several ways to show respect and honor is to take time and to pray and wish the best to the world. Some other way you can show honor or respect is to get together and talk about the topic Presidents Day.

Interesting Fact:

Some interesting facts are that they make parades in honor and respect to President Washington on Presents Day on February 15.

They also celebrate Abraham Lincoln's Birthday.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Student Success Statement

                                                                                                                                                "You cant be right by doing the wrong ; you cant be wrong by doing the right."  By Thomas S. Monson

     I believe this quote is true for example you cant do well on a test if you cheated and feel goo or feel bad on a test when you didn't cheat. A way to do the right is by always believing in yourself and feeling good About yourself that way you don't feel bad about yourself. To do the wrong you can't expect the good things to come to you that easy. Every person should hear and follow this example/ quote. Some things I did that are good is telling the teacher on cheating people because I know that this is not their correct way to do/ take a test, you never learn. You have to think doctor don't cheat on test or else they wouldn't be able to become one they wouldn't know what to do. Choosing the right is important because in the future good things with happen and come to you but when you choose the Wrong you cant expect good things to happen bad things will come to you. There was a quote that was related to this one that you cant feel good when you do the wrong or something like that.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Student Success Statment

                                 " Enthusiasm makes the difference."
                                        Dr. Norman Vincent Peale
    The quote of Dr. Norman Vincent Peale is correct because when you have Enthusiasm you feel like you can do anything kind of like being hipper. When you don't have or show enthusiasm I tells people that your a person who is depressed or not happy to do something. For example in the video Tiger tried to help his friend Tiger was really wanting to get his friend find his family. Tigers friend looked like if he didn't care he didn't even try to move. You can tell when people are sad when they don't smile, don't talk, or are bummed out/ depressed. As to when someone is happy they do the opposite of these things. I am an example of this quote because I have been lagging it to try out for the girls Basketballs team because I didn't really care or show ENTHUSIASM to make my dream come true. Anything is possible as long as you believe and dream about your goal. The people that show enthusiasm are the people who go to practice in a good mood, and always gets along with others just to stay part of the team. Those who show or have Enthusiasm make a difference to themselves and become a CTR person which is something big in life.

Thursday, February 4, 2016


Duties and Responsibilities:
 A pediatrician is a Physician who prevents babies from being  born bad. They take care of babies when born and treat them with care. They are Doctors for babies. They help female during birth and after birth. They are in charged of  The babies health being at a normal rate.

A pediatrician gets a salary of $ 175,000 yearly. Depends on how good of a pediatrician they are and who has more studies.

 In order to become one of these you need to have a bachelors degree and then you can pursue a Medical field career. Also around 8 to 9 years of college medical field classes.

 I would like to become a pediatrician because I like helping babies so that they could have a bright future. They need to be healthy since the day they were born. I would also like to become a vet because I like to be around animals. For info about A Vets job read my blog published on 2/2/16.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

A vet

                                    A vet

Duties and Responsibilities: 

   A vets duties and responsibilities is to help animals in need for example animals who are sick with either teeth pain, headache, bone such as a broken bone. Some vets help in giving help to animals when giving labor. Their is many different types of vets for animals. They help animals such as dogs, puppies, birds, cats, kittens, and many more. They even do daily exams on animals because they are like humans.


   A vet gets paid a salary of $50,036 to $101,057 plus a bonus of $14,764 sometimes it comes to a total of 72,709 annual.


  A vet is required to get a significant amount of formal education. They learn about the tools and animals bodies. They achieve every time and when they do they get a degree programs award. They need a bachelors degree They look for Veterinary programs when graduated form school.


  I would want to become a vet. I would like becoming a vet when I grow up because I love being around with animals. I would also like to become a pediatrician. I like helping in making the world a better place for animals and people. These are my future goals.