Friday, February 12, 2016

Studebnt Success Statment

                                 A choice: Of poverty or prosperity.

"I hated poverty. Poverty is more of a choice than anything else, and I can change that (poverty). It depends upon how hard I work, and I decided that I would change it."    Dr. Ben Carson

    I believe that this quote means that You choose your future if you want to have money and a nice house that is all up to you as long as you do good in school. If you choose the wrong and don't do good in school and try hard, that shows that in the future you would be a person who doesn't try hard on anything. For example Dr. Ben Carson was poor and did bad in class but that all changed, that all changed when he thought hard about it that poverty was more of a choice he then became the best one in his class thanks to his mother. An other example could be me I choose the people I hang out with I know that everything matters to become special in life because if I hangout with people who do drugs that could bring me down in my future. Anyone has the right to choose what they want to do when they grow up, say I want to become a doctor but I say I can't make it, it is to hard but then I think it can't be hard along as I try because then there wouldn't be any doctors or nurses. Everything is possible as long as you believe in your future everyone has different thoughts but that's ok because not everyone is the same then choose who they want to be. Choose the right and you will go to do the right in the future.

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