Wednesday, May 11, 2016

"you knew what i was when you picked me up."

"You knew What I Was When You Picked Me Up".

       Today in class we saw a video where an Indian is climbing a mountain and finds a rattlesnake on the way up. The Rattlesnake tells the indian Man that if he took him down the mountain under his shirt he will get a good dead in return but thed Indian man thought about it and did accept the word of the snake, so as he got down bad to the floor the snake turned and said "you knew what i was when you picked me up" and bit the Indian man on the foot. This can happen to us not only by a snake but by drugs or cheating on a test they can make you choose the wrong thinking it's right which in that case it doesn't give you anything good in return only bad luck. Sometimes trying to help people or believeing then doesn't always end well. This has never happened to me that i know of but it can happen to me one day.

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