Adriana Alfaro
1. The things I liked about this class was the way that Mr. haymore thought most of us to become a CTR person. and all the times he was always there when I needed help for example when I needed help or had a problem with my grades.
2. The things i did not like about this class was the way some students didn't repect the teacher ans always choose the wrong insted of choosing the right. i also didn't like that we had a little bit of time to do our work sometimes.
3. Give more time for students to type up there Student success Statements.
4. My highlight of this class was learning to accomp,lish my goals by never giving up and learning to use a computer.
5. I really tried my best in this class because I knew that if I didn't that that would be a CTW thing to do.
6. To tell the truth I really don't read my daily goal notebook everyday but I will promise I will.
7. I am commited to become a CTR person from this day on.
8. I learned how to complete my goals and how to become a CTR person I will pass it on to the most loved ones in my family.
9. I will always remember Mr. Haymore because he was always in a very happy mood no matter what. For example even when he was sick. I will also remember the people in this class.