Zika Fever/ Virus:
1. The Health related event that i choose was the Zika Fever which is a disease caused by zika virus that is spread by mosquito bites. It is also spread by animal or insect bites or stings. It can also be spread down by having unprotected vaginal, anal, or oral sex.
2.When stored or infected with the Zika virus you might go throw the symptoms like pregnant women can get subsequent birth defects. You can also get a fever, rash, joint pain, and your eyes may turn red.
3.This Health related topic of Zika can be passed down to anyone but mostly children.
4.There is not much being done. But there is medication you can take if you have any symptoms. Doctors around the world are still trying to find a cure to cure the Zika Fever/ Zika Virus.
5.This affects our health in many ways just like it can affect pregnant women. Most viruses can be transmitted now from many things such as mosquitos, and it is killing people slowly even if they don’t know it and when they do it is too late.