Wednesday, June 1, 2016

student Success Statement:

“I would Prefer even to fail with honor than win by cheating.”-Sophocles

I agree with this quote because it is true. For example say you are going to take a test but you didn’t study you just remembered so you're thinking if you should cheat or fail, so you choose to fail because it is better to fail than to pass it without knowing anything on the topic. Cheating is not a right thing to do. Cheating is breaking a rule and making you look bad. Some people that cheat get bad names. People can’t trust you if you cheat at least once because cheating is bad no matter what. Cheating is everywhere for example in school, jobs, and even in their house. Cheating is the same thing as telling a lie which can sometimes break people's trust and hurt them mentally and physically. So that is why everyone should know that cheating is bad and it is better to fail than to pass with a good grade knowing you cheated. When you choose the right good things come to you and when you choose the wrong bad things come to you. So always say NO!!! To cheating.

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